Short Biographies of Conference Presenters
This website contains short biographies of conference presenters and panelists in alphabetical order:
- Abugre, Charles: Chief Executive Officer, Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (Module 3, Panel 4)
- Adeogun, Janet: Amartya Sen Prize Winner
- Alt, Dr. Jörg: Research & Advocacy Officer, Jesuitenmission (Convenor, Introductions to Module 2 and 3)
- Ayamdoo, Charles Adombire: Director, Commission on Human Rights & Administrativ Justice (Module 1, Panel 2)
- Bagyenda, Justine: Executive Director, Bank of Uganda, Financial Intelligence Authority etc. (Module 3, Panel 3)
- Baker, Raymond: President, Global Financial Integrity (Keynote Module 3)
- Bokosi, Dr. Fanwell Kenala: Chief Executive Officer, AFRODAD (Module 3, Keynote & Panel 4)
- Branganza, Jason Rosario: Deputy Executive Director TJNA (Module 3, Wrap-Up Panel)
- Cardamone, Tom: Managing Director, Global Financial Integrity (Module 1, Panel 3)
- Etter-Phoya, Rachel: TJN Anglophone Hub Researcher (Module 3, Panel 1)
- Fumpa-Makano, Dr. Rose, Copperbelt University (Module 1, Panel 1)
- Kiptoo, Dr. Chris, Principle Secretary of State, State Department for Trade (Opening Keynote Module 1)
- Kimeu, Samuel: Chief Executive Officer, Transparency International Kenya (Module 1, Panel 2)
- Lawson, Max: Head of Advocacy and Public Policy, Oxfam (Keynote Module 3)
- Morgan, Chris: Head Global Tax Policy, KPMG (Module 2)
- Mosioma, Alvin: Executive Director, TJNA (Module 1, Opening Panel)
- Moka, Prof. Dr. Willy: Dean of Philosophical Faculty (Module 2)
- Mutati, MP, Felix: Association of Chartered Certified Accountant Global Advocate, Minister of Finance (rtd.) (Module 1, Panel 5, Module 3, Panel 3)
- Nkurunziza, Alexis Floris: State of the Union and CNC Coordinator (Module 1, Panel2)
- OKpomo, Kenneth: Amartya Sen Prize Winner
- Ongore, Mary: University of Nairobi (Module 1, Panel 4)
- Osore, Opimbi: African Hub Coordinator GIC-IFF Program (Module 3, Panel 4)
- Otieno, Michael: National Taxpayers Association (Module 1, Panel 4)
- Pogge, Prof. Dr. Thomas: Yale University, Global Justice Project (Module 2, Keynote Module 3)
- Redonda, Dr. Agustin: Fellow, Council on Economic Policies (Module 1, Panel 1)
- Sainna, Elsy: Deputy Executive Director ICJ (Module 1, Panel 3)
- Tran-Nam, Prof. Dr. Binh: University of New South Wales (Module 3, Panel 4)
- Waris, Prof. Dr. Attiya: University of Nairobi (Module 1, Module 2)