Addressing Politics and Politicians
19.11. From 9th to 19th November, the 26th Conference of Parties to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (COP 26) was due to take place in Glasgow. Due to the Corona Pandemic, it was postponed for one year. Jesuits are concerned that this implies a postponement of efforts addressing climate change. But: The Corona Pandemic might have stopped numerous activities in the economic and social lives of all countries, but it most certainly has not stopped climate change. Therefore Frs. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator (picture right), President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) and Franck Janin, President of the Jesuit Network for Mission and Development (Xavier Network) wrote letters to AU-EU leaders as well as, supported by the British Jesuit Provincial, another letter to the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, host of the COP 26 conference. The Jesuits urged to address climate change with teh same resolve as the Corona Pandemic. Taxation, both in form of Wealth- and Eco-Taxes as well as the spending of public subsidies were part of the submitted suggestions. The letters were accompanied by a Backup-Paper, detailing the background and reasoning of our concern and demands.
31.7. In a jointly signed letter African, German and Austrian Jesuit Superiors intervene with the Austrian EU-Presidency, titled „Flows of migrants, flows of money“. Signatories were Frs. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), Bernhard Bürgler, Provincial of the Austrian Jesuit Province, Johannes Siebner, Provincial of the German Jesuit Province. They protest against the treatment of migration from Africa as a criminal offence („illegal migration“) and a threat to Europes security. Rather than going tough on symptoms, they argue, there is need to deal with the underlying root causes for those migratory movements,e.g. Illicit Financial Flows, which prevent African countries from developing. Here the letter, the Backup-Factsheet and here the reply by the Austrian government.
- 22.5. In einem persönlich addressierten und gehaltenen Schreiben bedankt sich Minister Dr. Gerhard Müller für die gemachten Vorschlägen, gibt einige Kommentare und versichert uns der Berücksichtigung im Verlauf des weiteren Prozess.
- 27.2. Joint Comment of the Director of JCTR Zambia, Dr. Leonard Chiti Sj, the Director of JHC Kenya, Dr. Elias Mokua SJ and the Director of Jesuitenmission Germany regarding the Proposal for a Marshall Plan with Africa by the German Minister for Economic Development and Co-Operation, Dr. Müller. Component of the letter is the Attachment on Reforms regarding investment into businesses and infrastructure by Charles Chilufya SJ, MRes in Business Economics and Development, of Copperbelt University Zambia.