Country Report
The popular version of the Kenyan Country Report was published and discussed at the Nairobi Conference on Improving Domestic Resource Mobilization and Stemming Illict Financial Flows from 12-15 March 2019.
- Here the Executive Summary
- Here the Popular Short Version
Besides those two published and official versions exists the Draft Technical Version, a compilation of material which was preceding the drafting of the above mentioned report. The following documents reflect the status of the Technical Report as drafted by July 2017. While this Technical Version was not finished, it may still be useful as a source of information and material.
- I. Introduction
- II. Methodological and procedural issues
- III. Context and history
- IV. Understanding the wealth gap and dependence from external financing
- V. Tax laws and tax-like contributions
- VI. Tax administration
- VII. Results
Please check and crosscheck for updated versions and sources and please note that this draft does not reflect any official position of the Jesuit Hakimani Centre.