
This directory shows a chronological overview of publications related to the Project "Tax Justice & Poverty" by the project partners. Please be aware of our cross-referencing system between the different main parts and chapters of the study.


  • Alt, Jörg: Catholic Social Teaching and taxation – Guidelines towards a socially more just and ecologically more sustainable world. In: Journal on Financing for Development, Vol. 1 No. 1, ISSN 2664-1968, pp. 47-69
  • Alt, Jörg: Wer bezahlt für den Klimawandel. In: Jahresbericht Weltkirche 2018, Seiten 16+17
  • Alt, Jörg/Chilufya, Charles: A case for Joint Tax Audits between developed and developing countries. In: Mehta, Kr., Shubert, E.; Siu, E, (Ed.) Tax Justice And Global Inequality – Practical Solutions to Protect Developing Country Revenues. ZED Books, London, pp. 163-179
  • Kenyan Country Report, final version and Executive Summary




On 17 October 2016 the German Country Report was published, consisting in three categories:

  1. Executive Summary (Deutsch) (English)
  2. Short version Alt, J. Wir verschenken Milliarden Echter Verlag, Würzburg (German language only!, Reviews and Critique of the book here, Media coverage here)
  3. The simplified version of the report consists in the following chapters in English language:

From the part on private wealth:

  • I: Introduction into private wealth in Germany
  • II: Alternatives to taxation in the effort to combat inequality and poverty

On 15 September, the preliminary findings of the Synthesis Report were published

Other publications in 2016:


The five chapters of part I (Introduction) were published on 3 March

  1. Introduction.
  2. Methods, Resources, Scope of the research.
  3. Differences in Culture and working environment.
  4. Concepts & Context of the research, short version, simplified version, technical version chapter 1-4, technical version chapter 5-8.
  5. Principles of taxation.



  • 13 December: Draft paper "Setting the frame", explaining why Catholic Social Teaching is an adequate and appropriate framework within which to reflect issues pertaining to "Tax Justice & Poverty". (still undergoing peer review)
  • 13 December: Explanatory note "Terminology, context and scope of research", clarifying the content and meaning of key-concepts and research areas, such as "poverty", "inequality", "external financing/public debt/dependency", "Justice".
  • 13 May: Concept paper of the Research & Advocacy Project "Tax Justice & Poverty – Narrowing the Wealth Gap and Reducing External Financing"


January: The Taxation System in Zambia. A technical Report.Lusaka: JCTR