Support us
This project is entirely funded by donations and you imagine that personnel, consultancy and travel are expensive. If you want to support us financially, you are more than welcome. Please note that donations to us are tax deductible :-)
- You can transfer your donation online. The code for our project is already pre-set.
- Or you use an ordinary transfer form. Please fill in:
Recipient: Jesuitenweltweit, Königstr. 64, D-90402 Nürnberg,
IBAN DE61 7509 0300 0005 1155 82, BIC GENODEF1M05.
When asked for the "Verwendungszweck" (assignment) please insert the code "X36441 Ukama".
Information regarding the funding organisation and lead agency of this project, the Jesuitenmission, can be obtained through its website.